Past Events

Thursday, January 25, 2024
In this seminar, we'll discuss how to recognize the symptoms of selective mutism, the impact selective mutism can have on kids and adolescents, and effective treatment approaches. We'll identify skills that you can use at home to help your child engage in Brave Talk!
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January 17th, 2024; 10AM - 11:15 AM
Structural racism is the main driver of mental health inequities and poor mental health outcomes, and yet, few understand the outsized role that structural racism plays in the identification, diagnosis, and management of mental illnesses and substance use disorders in children and adolescents. This presentation will examine key concepts associated with structural racism, provide clear examples of how structural racism manifests in the mental health outcomes of children and adolescents, and discuss strategies for dismantling structural racism in our communities and institutions that serve young people.
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Thursday, December 28, 2023
In this seminar, we will discuss the unique challenges that come with vacation time and changing schedules with kids, and how to manage them effectively! We will identify skills that you can use at home to help manage the difficulties that you and your kids may face throughout the holiday season and beyond.
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December 6, 2023 from 10:00AM-11:15AM
Transgender and nonbinary youth (TNY) are a higher risk than their cisgender peers for adverse mental health outcomes, but a positive family environment can help buffer this risk. This presentation will present selected findings from the Trans Teen and Family Narratives (TTFN) Project, a community-engaged longitudinal mixed methods study of families with TNY in the New England region of the United States. Findings from the TTFN Project indicate that positive family functioning is critical to the health and well-being of TNY. Clinical implications for mental health care of TNY and their families will be discussed.
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Thursday, November 30, 2023
In this seminar, we'll discuss how screentime and social media use for children and adolescents can provide benefits, but can also present risks. We'll identify the impact of screens and social media in the present day on mental health and wellbeing and will present strategies for managing technology use to maximize the beneficial impact and mitigate potential harm to our youth.
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