
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Families come to the Center for Effective Therapy with a wide range of backgrounds and varied levels of experience with mental health care. Some families and kids have had a long history of engaging with mental health services prior to coming to us, and others come to the Center without having sought out services before. No matter what your experiences with mental and behavioral health care have been like in the past, talking to your child about scheduling an appointment and engaging with an assessment or treatment can seem intimidating. Many caregivers worry about saying the wrong thing to introduce the idea to their kids, and about the reaction their child will have to the idea. To help set you up for success when you’re coming in for your initial appointment, here are some tips for communicating with your child about coming into the Center.
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Wednesday, July 17, 2024
To get started with effective treatment, the first step is participating in a thorough, mental health assessment. Beginning your treatment journey with a mental health assessment can ensure that you and your treating clinician have a clear understanding of the challenges at hand, any applicable diagnoses, and what treatment pathways will be most effective for addressing symptoms.
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Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Noticing that your child is beginning to struggle with their mental and behavioral health can be a hard moment for any caregiver. The challenges that your child is facing may have begun slowly and grown over time, or may have seemed to come up abruptly, with no easy cause or event to blame. It can be paralyzing to watch your child suffer, and to feel the impact on your own family and home, without knowing the next steps you need to take to secure effective support. When you’re faced with a moment like this, pursuing an evidence-based assessment is a good place to start.
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Friday, July 05, 2024
This is a real interview with the caregiver of a Black and Latino 6-year-old boy diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He and his caregivers engaged with a course of Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), followed by Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). Participating in the METRIC Grant, his treatment included work with himself, his pre-adoptive foster parents, and his biological mother. Prior to living with his current family, he experienced a tumultuous life, witnessing violence in the home with biological parents and being moved between multiple foster care homes.
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Friday, June 21, 2024
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