Past Events
October 26, 2023 at 11AM
In this seminar, we will discuss what ADHD and other disruptive behaviors disorders may look like for children and teens. We will identify skills that you can use at home to help manage disruptive behaviors and will walk you through what an assessment and effective intervention for kids with ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders involves.
Friday, October 13, 2023; 9:00AM - 4:30PM
Organizational Skills Training is an effective, evidence-based program designed to support children, teens, and their families in developing essential skill sets related to executive functioning. This program is specifically designed for children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and can also be used with other children and families who demonstrate executive functioning difficulties.
October 6 from 9AM - 2PM
CARE is a trauma-informed, field-initiated training for general usage by non-clinical adults who interact with children with behavioral and emotional challenges, including a trauma history. CARE is not a therapy, but uses similar skills taught in evidence-based child therapies.
October 4th, 2023; 10:00AM -11:15 AM
There is relatively little data about youth who identify as queer or trans in state and county child welfare systems in the United States. What is known shows significant disparities in terms of the numbers of youth identifying as LGBTQ+, their longer lengths of stay in care, lower rates of achieving permanency and higher utilization of congregate care. Dr. Bellonci will describe ground-breaking work developing tailored services and supports for youth in foster care who identify as LGBTQ+, their caregivers, their biological families, and the child welfare workforce. Drawing from a US Children’s Bureau-funded initiative involving four local implementation sites supported by a technical assistance center, Dr. Bellonci will review the evidence-based findings of best practices to support this highly vulnerable and marginalized group of young people.
September 28th from 11AM - 12PM
In this seminar, we will explore how we can support children and teens by identifying and securing effective treatment for depression. There is no cost to attend.