Computer Technology


Technology program

The focus of the computer technology program is to help students develop computer literacy skills and to successfully integrate technology throughout the curriculum. We strive to help students use technology in appropriate, useful, and efficient ways.


In the computer lab, students are introduced to basic software applications including word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, and multimedia presentations. As students advance from the Lower School to the Middle School and on to the Upper School, they are presented with increasingly advanced skills and applications in these programs. Students also learn to use the Internet, learning search strategies and analyzing the relevance and accuracy of what they find.


Other Forms of Technology

Computers are used to support and enrich classroom curriculum by providing additional avenues for learning academic and social skills. Student use AlphaSmarts to facilitate written expression and use the web for research projects and create multi-media presentations. In addition to basic software applications, a variety of subject-specific educational software programs are also available to enhance the curriculum.


Beyond the Classroom

Life at Manville is a full experience for your child that includes offerings beyond the classroom. Children who come to Manville build skills that help them manage challenges and grow successfully.