Student Life
A day at Manville consists of active learning, social interaction, and caring support from your child's teaching team.
At a Glance
Classes are structured and supportive, with a teaching team that works together to provide academic and behavioral support. Instruction is individualized to each student's specific learning strengths and challenges.
- 180-day school year and 20-day summer program
- School day runs 8:30AM-3:00PM Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, and 8:30AM-12:30PM Wed
- Average class size of 8 students
- Each classroom is supervised by a special education teacher, teaching assistant, and milieu counselor
- Curriculum is aligned with Massachusetts Common Core State Standards
- Medication oversight with psychiatric services and full-time nursing staff
- Calendar aligned with public schools, so winter, February and April vacations are the same
- Daily breakfast, snack, and lunch provided free to all students regardless of income
- Daily recess for all grade levels
Student Stories
Jason's Story
Jason is an 11-year-old boy who struggled to succeed in his local elementary school program. He was described by all as a bright boy, but he was easily overwhelmed by the academic and social demands of his classroom, and often became frustrated or would shut down before tasks were even introduced. Jason had difficulty sitting still, his desk was usually a mess, and he could never find the materials he needed to begin an assignment. He often called out during group lessons and needed constant reminders throughout the day to raise his hand, wait for his turn, and to keep his comments “appropriate.”
After a long process, many attempts within district to provide supports, and many meetings, the team looked for an out-of-district placement. Jason’s parents toured several schools and decided on Manville. At Manville, Jason and his family have developed a better understanding of his strengths and challenges, have been able to use the supports provided by his educational and clinical team, and have developed a host of strategies and tools that help Jason be successful and better regulated throughout the school day. Jason is making steady academic progress and has developed friendships. Jason feels better about himself, now sees himself as a learner, and has developed hope for his future.